
Inflation Reduction Act Energy Cost Savings

Thanks to the newly enacted Inflation Reduction Act, Rhode Island families are eligible for hundreds of dollars a year in energy savings.

    Federal Grant Requests

    If your organization has applied for a federal grant and is seeking a letter of support from my office, or you have questions about a federal grant or loan program, please contact my office.


    There are two types of appropriations: programmatic, which follow federal program criteria, and congressionally directed, which are specific allocations by Congress to particular projects.


    Programmatic requests highlight funding priorities for national and regional programs, and/or bill and report language requests that direct, encourage, or urge an Agency or Department to carry out an action.

    The submission period for Fiscal Year 2025 is now closed.

    Congressionally Directed Spending

    Congressionally Directed Spending (CDS), included in the federal appropriations and budgeting process, provides a unique opportunity to invest in critical community projects across Rhode Island. While CDS projects continue to be included in the federal budget, Senator Whitehouse invites applications for well-planned, ambitious, creative, and impactful projects that will improve the lives of Rhode Islanders. 

    The submission period for Fiscal Year 2025 is now closed.

    More on Congressionally Directed Spending:

    Any CDS request that Senator Whitehouse submits to the Appropriations Committee must comply with Senate Rule XLIV.

    Only projects based in Rhode Island and submitted by Rhode Island applicants will be considered.  Eligible applicants include units of local and state government, nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher education.  For-profit entities are not eligible to receive Congressionally Directed Spending. 

    Please note all CDS requests selected for submission will be made public to ensure transparency and accountability.

    Submission of requests does not constitute a binding commitment on any party nor a guarantee that any organization will be awarded funding from any federal agency through this process.  Furthermore, the submission, review, and approval of applications for federal funding will be carried out consistent with federal agency rules and regulations.

    About the Application Process

    For planning purposes, potential applicants are welcome to view Senator Whitehouse’s Fiscal Year 2024 application.  If you have questions regarding the process or are looking for additional guidance, please reach out to CDS_@whitehouse.senate.gov to set up a meeting with staff.

    Each application should focus on one program or project that requests funding from one account.  A single project cannot request funding from multiple accounts.  If an applicant wants to request funding for multiple programs or projects, they should submit a separate application for each.

    Eligible Accounts

    A specific list of accounts under which CDS requests were supported in Fiscal Years is available here.  This list of eligible accounts is subject to change pending instructions for the Fiscal Year 2025 appropriations process.

    Fiscal Year 2025

    Linked below are the Rhode Island projects for the Fiscal Year 2025 appropriations cycle that my office has requested of the Appropriations Committee.  They are listed by their relevant subcommittee jurisdiction, and the project order in each list reflects no particular prioritization.

    • Requests to the Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies can be found here.
    • Requests to the Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government can be found here.
    • Requests to the Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies can be found here.
    • Requests to the Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies can be found here.
    • Requests to the Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development can be found here.
    • Requests to the Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies can be found here.
    • Requests to the Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies here.
    • Requests to the Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security can be found here.


    To view FY2024 requests, click here.
