
Dark Money Union Busters

Over the last decade, the five-justice Republican-appointed majority on the Supreme Court has forged a glaring pattern of 5-4 decisions that benefit Republicans at the polls and big corporations pretty much everywhere. In election-related rulings involving issues like gerrymandering and suppression of Democratic-leaning voters; in rulings where it’s corporations versus humans; and, of course, in […]

Both Sides of the Aisle Want Better Roads and Ports

During his State of the Union address, President Trump called for a broad bipartisan infrastructure package, pledging to improve the nation’s infrastructure and invest in the future. If you believe the news reports on partisan bickering in Washington, this bipartisan approach might seem impossible. But we know that it can, and will, happen. We serve […]

Right-wing dirty trick hurts us all

As the president’s and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes’s recent actions underscore, there is a concerted effort to undermine special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling in U.S. elections and possible obstruction of justice. The FBI and the Justice Department have become targets of dirty tricks. The unfair charges are gutter politics: trashing […]

The Nunes memo is just one dirty trick in the far right’s smear campaign

As the president’s and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes’s recent actions underscore, there is a concerted effort to undermine special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation into Russian meddling in U.S. elections and possible obstruction of justice. The FBI and the Justice Department have become targets of dirty tricks. The unfair charges are gutter […]

How to Keep the Supreme Court From Partisanship

I share the same concern as Ilya Shapiro in his op-ed “Another Escalation in the Judicial War” (Dec. 18) that “Americans will follow the politicians’ lead and think of judges in increasingly partisan terms,” and I agree that it’s “not healthy for an independent judiciary.” One obvious solution is for the Supreme Court to render […]

The EPA tries to turn a blind eye to carbon emissions. The courts can stop it.

In the recent Frontline documentary, War on the EPA, the CEO of the Murray Energy Corporation — the largest coal mining company in the United States — brags that he had given the Trump administration a three-page action plan on rolling back environmental regulations. Less than a year into his term, the president and his […]

Time To Root Out Political Interference With The DOJ

President Trump was at it again recently, taking to Twitter to besmirch the U.S. Department of Justice, and doubling down on his demand for a DOJ investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails. “No justice!” Trump complained, claiming the reputation of the FBI was “in Tatters – worst in History!” This latest outburst comes on the heels of his comments in a radio […]

UPS and Pfizer’s dirty little secret

The blandly named American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is one of the most powerful groups you may have never heard of. ALEC describes itself as the “largest nonpartisan, voluntary membership organization of state legislators dedicated to the principles of limited government, free markets and federalism.” In reality, it is an almost entirely corporate-funded front group looking to […]

Let’s support all those walking the hard but noble path to recovery

THE OPIOID ADDICTION gripping the U.S. has hit my home state of Rhode Island hard. In 2015, Rhode Island had the fourth highest rate of deaths by opioid overdose in the country, according to data compiled by the Kaiser Family Foundation. That year, the town of Burrillville, population 16,000, lost six residents to drug overdoses […]

Alex Azar must commit to ‘righting the ship’ for health care payments

In the Affordable Care Act and other subsequent reforms, Congress directed the Department of Health and Human Services to test new ways to pay for health care, challenging health care providers, hospitals, and private insurers to provide better care for less money. Under President Trump and former HHS Secretary Tom Price, that work slowed and, […]
