December 21, 2017

Whitehouse Statement on Year-End Stopgap Funding Measure

Washington, DC – Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) released the following statement on the passage of another stopgap government spending measure:

“Again Republicans are refusing to do their work.  They still haven’t acted to raise the budget caps threatening to hobble important programs across the federal government.  They haven’t reauthorized the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which covers 9 million American children and mothers.  They haven’t passed the disaster relief bill that the people of Puerto Rico, Texas, Florida, and the American west need so very badly.  And, despite all the declarations and press conferences from this administration, they haven’t approved the kind of funding needed to combat the opioid epidemic raging in Rhode Island and around the country.  Worse, they haven’t sat down with Democrats to try.

“Then there are the Dreamers, who are rightly making their voices heard here on Capitol Hill.  Republicans’ refusal to extend the protections they signed up for in good faith is shameful.  Failing them is not who we are as Americans.

“This is no way to govern.  The American people should take note.”


Press Contact

Meaghan McCabe, (202) 224-2921
