June 22, 2018

Whitehouse Statement on Trump Executive Order Revoking the National Ocean Policy

Washington, DC – Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), co-chair of the bipartisan Senate Oceans Caucus and author of legislation that created a new fund for ocean and coastal resiliency, released the following statement on the Trump administration’s revocation of the 2010 National Oceans Policy:

“President Trump seems hell-bent on undoing his predecessor’s work, no matter for good or ill.  Our federal ocean policy ought not be silent on the disastrous effects of climate change.  Sea level rise and acidification are too obvious to ignore.  And it cannot speak of ‘clean, healthy waters’ while the administration paves the way for unwelcome offshore drilling.

“I am relieved that the important work of the regional planning bodies, with continued federal support, remains in place.  But we must recognize that the oceans do not exist solely for our pillage; we must be stewards of this vital resource.  The leadership of states like Rhode Island and other responsible stakeholders now will be more important than ever, and I stand ready to do my part.”


Press Contact

Meaghan McCabe, (202) 224-2921
