January 11, 2021

Whitehouse Statement on Insurrection, Colleagues’ Role

Providence, RI – Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, released the following statement in connection with the insurrection on January 6 and certain members of the Senate:

“The Senate needs to oversee federal investigation of the attack and ransacking of our national Capitol, through the Judiciary and perhaps Homeland Security Committees. We may also be the client in federal civil suits for damages and for restraining orders, likely also under Judiciary purview.

“The Senate will need to conduct security review of what happened and what went wrong, likely through the Rules, Homeland, and Judiciary Committees. The Senate Ethics Committee also must consider the expulsion, or censure and punishment, of Senators Cruz, Hawley, and perhaps others.

“Because Congress has protections from the Department of Justice under separation of powers, specifically the Speech and Debate Clause, significant investigation will need to be done in the Senate. Because of massive potential conflict of interest, Senators Cruz, Hawley, and Johnson (at least) need to be off all relevant committees reviewing this matter until the investigation of their role is complete.”

Press Contact

Meaghan McCabe, (202) 224-2921
