February 5, 2020

Whitehouse Statement on Final Impeachment Votes

Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) released the following statement on today’s votes in the Senate on articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump.  Whitehouse voted to convict on both articles.

“The facts are clear, the conduct impeachable, and the obstruction unprecedented – and yet the White House and its allies in the Senate have stymied the Constitution’s process for removing a corrupt president. 

Martin Luther King Jr. once said:

It is . . . midnight within the moral order.  At midnight colors lose their distinctiveness and become a sullen shade of grey.  Moral principles have lost their distinctiveness. . . . 

Midnight is a confusing hour when it is difficult to be faithful.  The most inspiring word . . . is that no midnight long remains.  The weary traveler by midnight who asks for bread is really seeking the dawn.  Our eternal message of hope is that dawn will come.

“It is, indeed, moral midnight for this body, but dawn will come.”

Read Whitehouse’s Tuesday statement on the impeachment process here.



Press Contact

Meaghan McCabe, (202) 224-2921
