July 17, 2012

Whitehouse Statement on DISCLOSE Vote

Washington, DC – Today, for a second day in a row, Senate Republicans blocked debate on the DISCLOSE Act, a bill to end secret spending in elections by corporations and other groups.  The vote failed to overcome a filibuster by a vote of 53 in favor to 45 against.  60 votes were required.  Following the vote, U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) released the following statement:

“I’m disappointed that so many of my Republican colleagues, many of whom have clearly supported disclosure in the past, chose today to once again defend secret spending by special interests rather than stand up for the voices of the middle class.  However, I’m also optimistic that ultimately, we will pass this bill, or something like it, to end secret spending and defend the voices of the middle class.

“I’m optimistic because throughout this debate, the American people made their voices heard loud and clear: they support the DISCLOSE Act, and they detest the secret spending that is poisoning our elections.  Through phone calls, emails, online petitions, tweets, and more, people in Rhode Island and across the country joined Senate Democrats in shining a bright light on this issue and demonstrating a groundswell of popular support. 

“As I have said many times, I am cognizant of the fact that not every fight is won in the first round, or even the second or third round.  But ultimately, history has shown that the will of the people always shines through. 

“In these past few days, the American people have helped us land some resounding blows against the special interests, and I am left more confident than ever that, ultimately, their voices will be heard.  And I intend to keep up the fight to make sure that they are.”


Press Contact

Meaghan McCabe, (202) 224-2921
