September 30, 2024

Whitehouse Highlights $226,000 in Federal Funding to Help Ensure Success of Latino College Students at RIC

Providence, RI – During Hispanic Heritage Month, U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse joined Rhode Island College (RIC) President Jack Warner to celebrate $226,000 in federal funding that Whitehouse secured to support the college’s federal designation as a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI).

“Rhode Island College has done excellent work to improve student outcomes and bring higher education within reach for more Rhode Islanders,” said Whitehouse.  “I am glad to secure this federal funding to help RIC – the first federally designated Hispanic Serving Institution in our state – help first-generation college students succeed.”

“Rhode Island College is a reflection of diversity within our great state. We educate a diverse cross-section of Rhode Islanders and our federal designations as a Hispanic Serving Institution and Minority Serving Institution are affirmation of our mission to serve all students,” said Dr. Jack R. Warner, President, Rhode Island College. “Through the continued support of leaders like Senator Whitehouse and our congressional delegation we are able to connect our diverse communities to our campus and be a driving force behind the next great leaders, innovators, and scholars in Rhode Island.”

Whitehouse secured the FY2023 earmark to help RIC launch a HSI capacity building initiative to help Hispanic and Latino college students succeed.  Funding will also support the development of a Latino Policy Institute report analyzing barriers and opportunities in higher education for Hispanic and Latino students in Rhode Island, and exploring how RIC can leverage its HSI status to address enrollment, retention, and equity gaps that may exist.

“I commend Senator Whitehouse for his efforts to expand opportunity through higher education.  RIC is a diverse institution that continues to attract more talented students and faculty with Hispanic and Latino backgrounds,” said Senator Jack Reed.  “This federal funding will help RIC continue to provide a welcoming, inclusive environment for all and be a place where students see their culture reflected and feel it represented on campus.  And ultimately it will lead to more student success in the classroom here at RIC and beyond.”

“The dream of receiving a higher education should be attainable for all students, no matter their background or how much their parents make, and Rhode Island College has expanded the idea of what’s possible for generations of students,” said Congressman Seth Magaziner. “This federal funding will help RIC, the first federally designated Hispanic Serving Institution in our state, expand access to high-quality education for all Rhode Islanders.”

“As we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, I’m thrilled we’re highlighting the work of Rhode Island College (RIC) to invest in our communities and help our students realize their fullest potential,” said Congressman Gabe Amo. “I thank Senator Sheldon Whitehouse for his steadfast work to build upon RIC’s Hispanic Serving Institution designation and look forward to unlocking more federal resources to ensure every resident in our state can succeed.”

“Hispanic Heritage Month is a time to celebrate the rich cultural contributions of Hispanic and Latino communities and to look ahead at how these communities will continue to shape Rhode Island’s future for generations to come,” said Central Falls Mayor Maria Rivera. “The federal funding secured by Senator Whitehouse will enhance Rhode Island College’s capacity as a Hispanic Serving Institution and help expand educational opportunities for Hispanic and Latino students. With support from the Latino Policy Institute, this investment will address barriers in higher education and empower the next generation of leaders.”

RIC became the first institution of higher education in Rhode Island to earn federal HSI status in 2022.  About 25 percent of full-time undergraduate students at Rhode Island College identify as Hispanic or Latino.

Press Contact

Meaghan McCabe, (202) 224-2921
