March 7, 2012

Whitehouse Brings RI Small Business Development Center Director to Washington

2012.03.07 Small Business Adriana DawsonWashington, DC – Today, the U.S. Senate Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee held a meeting to hear from businesses and organizations around the country that have implemented innovative strategies to boost job creation despite the tough economy.  The meeting focused specifically on economic development in the Latino community, and featured the participation of Adriana Dawson, Interim State Director of the Rhode Island Small Business Development Center at Johnson & Wales University.  Dawson was invited to participate by U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse.
“The Small Business Development Center helps connect Rhode Island companies with the resources they need to grow and hire,” said Whitehouse.  “As we work to improve the economy in Rhode Island and around the country, I was glad Adriana could be here in Washington to share her ideas and experiences with my colleagues in the Senate.”

“Providence had the highest unemployment rate for Hispanics in the nation among large metropolitan areas in 2010,” said Dawson.  “Recent federal funding has enabled the SBDC to address the high unemployment rate in the state’s Hispanic communities by providing increased resources to promote entrepreneurship and business sustainability.  Our efforts to work alongside workforce development agencies will ultimately result in decreased unemployment among the state’s hardest hit population.”

Each year, the Steering and Outreach Committee hosts several meetings with advocates, policy experts, business leaders, elected officials, and community leaders to discuss key priorities and enlist their help.  These meetings are open forums for discussion between members of communities around the country and members of the Democratic Caucus.

The Rhode Island Small Business Development Center describes itself as a focal point for the coordination of federal, state, local, academic, and private resources to aid small businesses and to promote economic development in the state.  The Center provides resources to entrepreneurs focused on building successful businesses supported by no-fee consulting services and affordable training programs.

Suggested Photo Caption: Senator Whitehouse talks with Adriana Dawson during her visit to the United States Senate in Washington.


Press Contact

Meaghan McCabe, (202) 224-2921
