April 2, 2015

Sen. Whitehouse Statement on Tentative Iran Nuclear Deal

Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) released the statement below regarding President Obama’s announcement that international negotiators have agreed upon a framework for a deal to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon:

“As President Obama said today, a diplomatic solution is ‘our best option by far’ in the effort to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.  I will continue to review the developing details of this framework.  I commend the President and Secretary Kerry for their work in bringing us this far.  We all agree that a nuclear Iran must be prevented.  In any practical world, we have to accept that terms that would be humiliating to a sovereign adversary are unlikely.  However, any final deal must assure that Iran cannot develop a nuclear weapon.  Until a final deal is reached, I encourage my colleagues in Congress to refrain from steps that would be counterproductive to the negotiating process.”


Press Contact

Meaghan McCabe, (202) 224-2921
