June 22, 2007

Whitehouse: Senate Energy Bill Reduces Oil Dependence, Improves Efficiency

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) applauded the Senate’s passage of energy reform legislation late last night. The CLEAN Energy Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) now moves to the House of Representatives.

“Last night, the Senate took a dramatic step toward reducing our reliance on foreign oil, conserving more of the energy we use in our homes, cars, and businesses, and investing in new technologies that will help in the fight against global warming.

“Our energy bill will require more of our energy to come from sustainably-produced biofuels; raise fuel efficiency standards for cars and trucks for the first time since 1975; incentivize the production of fuel-efficient vehicles; create new standards for appliances and lighting to help conserve electricity; and take a closer look at ways to trap carbon emissions before they reach the atmosphere. It will save tens of billions of dollars for American families.

“I was especially proud to support legislation, which passed as part of the energy bill last night, that will make the federal government a leader in energy-efficient, environmentally-sound building standards. Buildings that use less energy, and keep our air and water cleaner, will help preserve our environment, save taxpayers’ money – and take us one step closer to curbing the threat of global warming.

“To keep our economy strong and our people and environment healthy, we must lead the world in finding innovative ways to produce and use energy. This bill moves us closer to that goal.”


Press Contact

Meaghan McCabe, (202) 224-2921
