March 22, 2012

Whitehouse: Glad to Have Fishermen in Washington, DC

RI Fishermen Come to Make Voices Heard

Washington, D.C. – This week, a number of Rhode Island fishermen joined their counterparts from around the country to visit Washington, DC to discuss fisheries management with their elected officials.  U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), who met with several of the Rhode Island fishermen, released the following statement regarding the visit:

“It is encouraging to see so many men and women from our fishing community making their voices heard in our nation’s capital.  I was pleased to meet with some of the Rhode Islanders in attendance about the need for practical fisheries management that ensures a thriving industry and preserves fish populations.  New management techniques in New England have been more difficult for some to adapt to than others, and I’ll keep working with our local fishermen to make sure they get the most out of this ongoing process.”

The fishermen came to express concern with current policies affecting them and offer their on-the-water perspective for how to proceed with scientific reform of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, the major federal legislation governing fisheries management.

“Meeting with Rhode Island fishing community folks in D.C. or going directly to their boats or fish-houses back home is all in a day’s work for Senator Whitehouse,” said Richard Fuka, President of the Rhode Island Fishermen’s Alliance.  “Understanding the complexities of current fisheries management and the problems that continue to plague one of Rhode Island’s largest and oldest industries and knowing fishermen personally is the reason why Senator Sheldon Whitehouse makes his fishing industry a priority.”  Fuka was not in Washington yesterday, but has met with Whitehouse on a number of occasions.


Press Contact

Meaghan McCabe, (202) 224-2921
