April 11, 2014

Sen. Whitehouse to Tour Effects of Climate Change Along Southeast Coast

RI Senator’s “Climate Road Trip” Will Pass Through Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida

Providence, RI – With the effects of climate change already harming Rhode Island’s communities and economy, U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse is continuing to look for ways to wake up Congress and the country to take action on this urgent issue.  Last month he visited Iowa to urge citizens and businesses there to make sure climate change is a key issue there in the 2016 presidential election cycle.  Next, Whitehouse will be taking a road trip along the southeast coast of the United States to view the effects of climate change and hear from area scientists and advocates.

“Climate change is among the most serious issues facing Rhode Island.  It affects our economy, our homes and businesses, and our very way of life,” said Whitehouse.  “We’re doing what we can in Rhode Island to limit the damage of climate change, but this is a worldwide problem that we can’t address alone.  We need other states – and ultimately other nations – to join us in reducing emissions, investing in clean energy, and taking steps to adapt to the changes that are already occurring.  This road trip will be an opportunity for me to see how climate change is affecting other areas of our country; to hear about what these states are doing to address climate threats; and to bring new ideas back to Washington as I continue working to get Congress to wake up and take action on this issue.”

Whitehouse’s trip will begin on April 21 in the Carolinas and conclude on April 25 with a rally in Miami, FL hosted by the CLEO Institute.  The rally will be open to the general public.  Details are available here.

Additional details about the trip will be available in the days ahead.

Senator Whitehouse is chairman of the Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Clean Air and co-chairs the Senate Climate Action Task Force.  This road trip is part of the Task Force’s ongoing effort to wake up Congress to address climate change.


Press Contact

Meaghan McCabe, (202) 224-2921
