September 21, 2020

Reed-Whitehouse Statement on Providence Rally

Washington, DC – U.S. Senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse released the following statement on the rally in Providence today:

“Thank you for making your voices heard, for being a force for change, and standing up for the rights of others. We share your deep admiration for Justice Ginsburg and will work with our Democratic colleagues to do all we can to ensure her replacement is not unfairly rammed through.

“The 2020 election is already underway and the U.S. Senate should not and must not confirm a new justice until the American people have their say. Never before in U.S. history has the Senate confirmed a Supreme Court nominee this late in an election year. We will do all we can to ensure the next justice is justly chosen by the next President and gets a fair hearing in the next Congress.

“We know what’s at stake. Access to affordable health care and protections for people with pre-existing conditions are now directly on the ballot. A conservative majority could also take our country backwards in terms of environmental protections, reproductive rights, civil rights, voting protections, and workers’ rights. It could take a generation before we gain back the progress we have achieved today. The surest way to protect these rights and Justice Ginsburg’s legacy is to take back the Senate and win the White House.

“We must match Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s notorious strength, discipline, tenacity, and commitment to ensuring the promise of the Constitution applies to all. She didn’t rack up legal victories by being the loudest voice, she achieved them by being the most persuasive.

“While some want to ram this nomination through under the cover of a pandemic on the eve of an election – even if it harms the foundation of the Court itself and further divides our nation – we dissent. And like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, we will fight despite the odds. We will work uphill and seize the moral high ground to advance equality and opportunity for all. We will continue marching down the trail she and others have blazed to achieve enduring progress. We will seek and demand justice. We will stick to our principles and do what is right. And together, we will prevail.”

Press Contact

Meaghan McCabe, (202) 224-2921
