August 27, 2013

Sens. Whitehouse and McCain Honor Rhode Island Marine Serving in China

Senators Traveled Together to China, Mongolia, and South Korea

Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse returned to the U.S. today after a trip with Senator John McCain that took him to China, Mongolia, and South Korea to meet with Asian leaders and advance American interests in the region.
In China, the two Senators met with Marine Corporal Angel Madera of Providence, RI to congratulate him on receiving an award for meritorious service. 
“Corporal Madera has earned the pride of our state and our nation, and I was honored to offer him my congratulations in person,” said Whitehouse.  
The Senators met with State Councilor Yang Jiechi, the senior Chinese foreign affairs advisor, whom Senator Whitehouse pressed on the continuing cyber-piracy aimed from China at American corporations; and with National Development and Reform Committee Vice Chairman Xie Zhenhua, China’s lead negotiator on climate issues, for discussions about carbon pollution, climate change and the investments China is making in renewable energy. Whitehouse is one of the leading voices in Congress for action on climate change.  

“The U.S. and China are responsible for nearly half of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions, and we must work together to protect ourselves from climate change by limiting our carbon pollution,” said Whitehouse.
The Senators traveled to Mongolia where they met with President Elbegdorj Tsakhia.  Mongolia has successfully turned to elected democracy and a free economy, and provides an example to other Asian states still under Communist rule. McCain and Whitehouse then continued to Seoul, South Korea, another prosperous, free-market, vibrant Asian democracy, where they met with President Park Geun-hye and other officials, as well as with a group of defectors from North Korea. It is the 60th anniversary of the armistice, and the Senators heard about the strength of that alliance and the dangers to the region from North Korea’s unstable new leader.

Press Contact

Meaghan McCabe, (202) 224-2921
